Since you can use half-star ratings, this is close to the IMDb score. A tipped-over bucket represents that under 60 percent of users gave it under 3.5 stars. When at least 60 percent of users rated it 3.5 stars (out of 5) or higher, it shows a full bucket. Rotten Tomatoes also providers a user score, shown by the popcorn bucket. The Critics Consensus, present for most movies, is a great summary of why the movie received its score. Click See Score Details for a deeper breakdown.
Open any movie's page, and you'll see the overall score plus its number of reviews at the top. They must hold at least a 75 percent favorable score after 80 reviews, including at least five from top critics. Meanwhile, a Certified Fresh badge appears next to titles that are of particularly high quality. If under 60 percent of critics rate the movie favorably, it earns a Rotten score with a green splat. As long as 60 percent or more of critics like the movie, it earns an overall Fresh score with a red tomato.